Emergency Management & Disaster Preparedness Resources

The Arts Role in Community Resilience

This Fact Sheet from FEMA on the intersection of art, emergency management, and community resilience provides an overview of what emergency managers, artists, and art and culture organizations need to harness the strength of the arts and fortify communities, champion equity, and build local community resilience.

Resources for Arts & Culture Entities & Practitioners

The Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF) supports the arts and culture sector in addition to the public. Cultural institutions and arts organizations affected by natural disasters and other emergencies can call the National Heritage Responders hotline at: 202.661.8068. This team of trained conservators and collections care professionals are available to provide advice and guidance 24/7. Members of the public with questions about family heirlooms can contact the Responders at NHRpublichelpline@culturalheritage.org. Additional guidance on HENTF’s Save Your Family Treasures can be found here.

For those in need of emergency assistance, Craft Emergency Relief Fund (CERF+) has information on how to apply.

For more general resources on emergency responses, please visit the National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response’s (NCAPER’s) website. To download these and similar resources, NCAPER has also created a Resources PDF for organizations, funders, and anyone else in need of resources.