Phase 1: Economic Analysis of Creative Economy (COMPLETED)
The Wyoming Arts Alliance (WyAA) launched the Data Round Up project in Summer 2024. he Wyoming Arts Alliance contracted with the University of Wyoming’s Center for Business and Economic Analysis (CBEA) to produce a report quantifying the scope of the arts and culture economy in Wyoming at the state and county level.
With analysis focused on data from 2022, the CBEA used data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Lightcast, CVSuite, and the American Community Survey (ACS) to estimate several measures of the size of the arts and cultural economy. The final report was released in September 2024.
This project was made possible through a grant from the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund.

Phase 2: Community Listening Sessions (Spring/Summer 2025)
WyAA will be hosting community listening sessions around the state in the coming months. In partnership with the Wyoming Arts Council, Wyoming Humanities Council and Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund, we will be visiting 15 communities throughout Wyoming. The focus of these sessions is sharing information gleaned from the economic impact report (Phase 1) and gathering feedback from our arts partners and other stakeholders about challenges and needs.
This project is made possible through funding support from Wyoming Community Foundation and other local partners.
Phase 3: Focus Groups & Surveys (Summer 2025)
To continue our deep dive into the Wyoming arts and culture sector, WyAA will conduct focus groups and administer targeted surveys.
Focus groups will consist of affinity groups that allow us to better understand the needs and opportunities with specific subsections of the arts and culture sector. For example, we could speak to representatives from arts educators, performance venue or festival directors and graphic designers.
Surveys will go out to a variety of artists and organizations to help gather basic demographic, funding and infrastructure information.
Additional economic analysis will also occur in this phase as determined by the needs revealed in the listening sessions.
This phase of our project will be supported through grants from the Wyoming Community Foundation and the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund.
If you have an idea to share about this phase of our Data Roundup, please email our interim director, Ryan Dinneen O’Neil at [email protected]

Phase 4: Final Report & Action Planning (Fall 2025)
WyAA will collate of the data collected to share out in a final “State of the Sector” report. We will highlight the feedback from our conversations and work with our agency partners to identify action items focused on enhancing our support for artists, arts organizations and art educators around the state.
In the future, we are hopeful to convene stakeholders to begin work on a strategic plan for grow and strengthen the creative economy in Wyoming.
If you have an idea to share about this phase of our Data Roundup, please email our interim director, Ryan Dinneen O’Neil at [email protected]
Thank you to our supporting partners who have helped to fund this statewide project.